Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 12: Famous Last Words

(A personal photo of mine and my boyfriend's cat, Link)

Well, the semester is almost over. I am actually really excited about that. Capstone has been really rough and this past week or two have been the worst. It really won't be over until Thanksgiving Break/this Friday. Tomorrow and Wednesday are going to be the worst two days this entire semester. I have two papers to write and a test to take. I guess you can assume that I will finally have my first all-nighter this semester. WOOO! Except not really, those things are absolutely dreadful. I love sleep far too much.

Hopefully, by Tuesday night after my test is done, everything will be a bit less stressful. I am pretty sure this is the first in class test I have taken all semester and that kind of freaks me out in all honesty. But, I will say, after this week everything in all of my classes hits a wall and slows down a lot. This class is the only one with the same pace, but I love this class so it is okay with me! :)

Meanwhile, my birthday is this coming Friday! I am really excited about that. I am going to be 23! My boyfriend is flying in from Virginia and then we will fly back together next Monday for Thanksgiving break. I cannot wait. I need a mini vacation. Having almost a week with my family, my boyfriend and pets will be the best birthday gift of all. I seriously cannot wait.

I hope everyone else is doing well this semester and the pressure isn't too bad. Especially with my fellow seniors who are currently taking capstones right now! You can do it you guys! WE can do it!

Will probably do another one of these posts over the next few weeks. I am kind of sad that this class is starting to end. I feel like I just started to get to know people. It's okay tho. Anyways, hope everyone has a good week! Bye :)


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