(A drawing of three little pigs and a wolf from a YouTube video.)
Tom Tit Tot: This sounds eerily similar to Rumplestiltskin. Was very easy to read and I really enjoyed it.
The Rose Tree: Right off the bat, I knew this was the English Fairy tale version of Snow White but with a brother and death. Why in the old tales did the stepmom eat the liver and the heart? Any major significance?
Mouse and Mouser: Was not anticipating the cat to eat the mouse. Kind of took me by surprise. The repetition and rhymes made it much easier to follow this story.
The Three Little Pigs: This was one of my favorite stories growing up. Perhaps because it was super easy to memorize so I could tell it to almost anyone, anywhere. I feel this one has a bit more meat on its bones than the story I was told growing up. Or maybe it is because I read it from a picture book and this has all the text on one page. Who knows, but I loved it.
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