Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Three Storybook Favorites

Let me start this post off with: I am really horrible at making decisions. I am possibly the most indecisive person ever and so, choosing three storybooks was really hard. I did, however, power through my inability to choose and narrowed my list down to three storybooks.

(Lion Emblem Noble created by Lockheart23 on Deviantart)

The one that grabbed my interest the most was The Thin Line Between Tragedy and Comedy. What kept drawing me in was the title. I am a sucker for a good title. Even if the content is bad, I will read a book that has a solid title. With this storybook, the title did not make the subject of the story book obvious, but it gave you a hint as to what the content would be about. I enjoy a bit of mystery and so, this was an obvious top choice for me.

Planet of the Cats was another storybook that kept popping up at the top of my list. I am not sure if it is the fact that I love cats, but I was drawn to this one. I like the style and layout of the storybook. I think it is clean and simple, and if you couldn't tell... I like clean and simple. It is so easy to navigate, which makes me like it even more. In addition to that, I like that there are pictures on every page and that they are not the same types of imagery. The image variety keeps things fun.

Lastly, we have Monsters or Misunderstood? This storybook caught my attention because it's so fun! The introduction made me laugh so much. Comedy is golden in my book.  Even the layout and design add to the humor because it feels like I am on a therapist's website. I think it is witty that they are monsters that have therapy appointments. It sounds like some future Pixar or Disney movie. I can only hope to have something as witty as this.


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